And it is relatively simple to do. Begin by purhasing a cold air induction system from one of your local performance aftermarket shops. You need the type that is fed by a flexible pipe into an airbox containing the air filter which then supplies the carburettor via another flexible pipe. You may have to do a bit of adaption to make this work. Carefully lay out the new parts and see where they can best be fitted in bearing in mind that the pipe entering the 'carb' MUST be straight on a vertical plane to the carb for about 10cm for best resuls.
There are two ways to source your cold outside air; (1) cut a hole into the cold air box built into your beetle body. (This is the compartment with the louvres immediately above the engine
Enter VW BEETLE here and 'click' search>>>>
which draws in air from the 'slots' just below the rear window) Ensure that the pipe is secured and you will have an effective VW PERFORMANCE modification. (2) You can either buy a set of engine cover spacers, or make up a set yourself. This is what you see in the magazines where the top of the engine lid is open. Place your inlet pipe immediately under this open portion and it will be quite effective. Believe it or not You can actualy feel the difference this makes, especialy in cool evenings and during winter!
Why does this help your VW PERFORMANCE? Because the colder air feeding into the carb results in a denser fuel/air charge, (this simple modification can add as much as 30hp to a stock 350ci V8 engine, and as much as 2-3 hp to your air cooled motor under the right conditions. Clearly, this is another cheap yet effective VW PERFORMANCE modification that will add horsepower and torque to your motor.
A forum about cost effective methods to increase VW PERFORMANCE on both air cooled and early water cooled engines. Also covers subjects like HYDROGEN fuel alternatives, using HYDROGEN on board generators as a fuel supplement to increase mileage and power.This forum also provides easy to run business opportunities that enable motor enthusiasts to earn more money and thus expand their hobby.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
FIT ONE OF THESE THINGS TO YOUR VW TO GAIN PERFORMANCE AND BETTER YOUR FUEL MILEAGE BY 20 to 50 percent!!!! Coming soon to this site for about R4000. Some users have reported mileage gains of 120%! I will be putting the S.A prototype into one or both of my beetles for more VW PERFORMANCE during early 2010. Distributors will be appointed but a unit will first be tested by a reputable performance magazine in one of their cars.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I n simple terms, HYDROGEN is an energy filled gas that - when burnt with oxygen - provides a fuel for internal combustion engines. HYDROGEN and OXYGEN can easily be obtained from a water electrolysis process! This means that an in car unit with on "on demand' feature can be installed in your vehicle. This in car HYDROGEN generator will provide HHO, meaning two molecules of HYDROGEN and one molecule of oxygen. This gas combination will not only provide more power due to oxygen enrichment, but will improve your fuel consumption by 30% to 100% or more!
When you consider that all it takes to fuel this device is ordinary WATER the benefit of converting your car to a HYDROGEN hybrid that will make the Toyota Prius and other such hybrids irrevelant - the possibilities for HYDROGEN power are considerable. I concede that BMW and others have perfected great HYDROGEN cars, but they are expensive and do not have an on board HYDROGEN generator.
The sort of unit that can (and will) be made here in South Africa can be fitted to almost any vehicle for an outlay of around R4000! NOTE: There are already many thousands of these HYDROGEN units in operation in the U.S.A and around the world. What a difference this can make to VW PERFORMANCE!
NOTE: I expect to get some interested parties together to get a HYDROGEN generator in production during mid to early 2010.
Do you remember the TRUE story of Canadian Kyle Macdonald, the man who made history by swapping a paper clip for a house? Through a series of swops Kyle ended up with a house in Arizona. Why would anyone want to participate in such a crazy project? I can only guess that it is because they were not only a mad bunch of people, but they all - including Kyle - enjoyed the publicity they got!
I AM GOING TO INITIATE MY OWN SOUTH AFRICAN BRAND OF SWOP CRAZINESS!! If you would like to join me and get your photo and details on this site as an acknowledged and accredited crazy person, then read on. I am certain that some of the media will catch on to it as well, particularly the motoring press.
I want to SWOP A WATCH FOR A VW BEETLE. I need a beetle as a project car for this site, and as I think that the pre 1968 cars are best that would be my first choice. The watch is a strikingly beautiful diamondia aim dress watch. It is brand new and features a square rimless gold face with a white and yellow gold strap. The watch is in a very nice hinged velvet padded box. What is it worth? I have no idea as it was donated for this project by someone who is too shy to be publicly acknowledged.I can tell you this though, if i was using it for myself I would only use it on special occasions.
Who will swop me a vw beetle for this watch? or perhaps will swop me another item worth R1000 or more that I can swop on towards the final goal. All offers can be emailed to
MAGAZINES WANTED:VW BEETLE magazines and other literature wanted, eg; VW Trends etc.
BUILD and OPERATE YOUR OWN ETHANOL PRODUCTION UNIT This book provides EXTENSIVE information as well as a full set of plans for construction of a home operated still. Includes information on the Covey converter. Essential reading for alternative fuel enthusiasts, we offer bumper size this publication at only R150 inclusive of post & package.
THE 180% MAN: A book by Harry Shawn Heydon that provides life changing information - in a simple to follow instructional format - about how to apply little known and little utilised Bible principles to bring even the most difficult and problem wracked life into a fullness and peace that very few people ever experience. This publication includes a number of testimonies of sometimes miraculous changes, and the content has been taught by the author as a certificated self improvement course in various venues around S. Get yours now for only R150 icl of p&p and literaly CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
TO ORDER: email for order details.
I n simple terms, HYDROGEN is an energy filled gas that - when burnt with oxygen - provides a fuel for internal combustion engines. HYDROGEN and OXYGEN can easily be obtained from a water electrolysis process! This means that an in car unit with on "on demand' feature can be installed in your vehicle. This in car HYDROGEN generator will provide HHO, meaning two molecules of HYDROGEN and one molecule of oxygen. This gas combination will not only provide more power due to oxygen enrichment, but will improve your fuel consumption by 30% to 100% or more!
When you consider that all it takes to fuel this device is ordinary WATER the benefit of converting your car to a HYDROGEN hybrid that will make the Toyota Prius and other such hybrids irrevelant - the possibilities for HYDROGEN power are considerable. I concede that BMW and others have perfected great HYDROGEN cars, but they are expensive and do not have an on board HYDROGEN generator.
The sort of unit that can (and will) be made here in South Africa can be fitted to almost any vehicle for an outlay of around R4000! NOTE: There are already many thousands of these HYDROGEN units in operation in the U.S.A and around the world. What a difference this can make to VW PERFORMANCE!
NOTE: I expect to get some interested parties together to get a HYDROGEN generator in production during mid to early 2010.
Do you remember the TRUE story of Canadian Kyle Macdonald, the man who made history by swapping a paper clip for a house? Through a series of swops Kyle ended up with a house in Arizona. Why would anyone want to participate in such a crazy project? I can only guess that it is because they were not only a mad bunch of people, but they all - including Kyle - enjoyed the publicity they got!
I AM GOING TO INITIATE MY OWN SOUTH AFRICAN BRAND OF SWOP CRAZINESS!! If you would like to join me and get your photo and details on this site as an acknowledged and accredited crazy person, then read on. I am certain that some of the media will catch on to it as well, particularly the motoring press.
I want to SWOP A WATCH FOR A VW BEETLE. I need a beetle as a project car for this site, and as I think that the pre 1968 cars are best that would be my first choice. The watch is a strikingly beautiful diamondia aim dress watch. It is brand new and features a square rimless gold face with a white and yellow gold strap. The watch is in a very nice hinged velvet padded box. What is it worth? I have no idea as it was donated for this project by someone who is too shy to be publicly acknowledged.I can tell you this though, if i was using it for myself I would only use it on special occasions.
Who will swop me a vw beetle for this watch? or perhaps will swop me another item worth R1000 or more that I can swop on towards the final goal. All offers can be emailed to
MAGAZINES WANTED:VW BEETLE magazines and other literature wanted, eg; VW Trends etc.
BUILD and OPERATE YOUR OWN ETHANOL PRODUCTION UNIT This book provides EXTENSIVE information as well as a full set of plans for construction of a home operated still. Includes information on the Covey converter. Essential reading for alternative fuel enthusiasts, we offer bumper size this publication at only R150 inclusive of post & package.
THE 180% MAN: A book by Harry Shawn Heydon that provides life changing information - in a simple to follow instructional format - about how to apply little known and little utilised Bible principles to bring even the most difficult and problem wracked life into a fullness and peace that very few people ever experience. This publication includes a number of testimonies of sometimes miraculous changes, and the content has been taught by the author as a certificated self improvement course in various venues around S. Get yours now for only R150 icl of p&p and literaly CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
TO ORDER: email for order details.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
It's very simple to do and it's absolutely FREE! You can gain 5% more VW PERFORMANCE just by blocking off the inlet manifold heat risers. All this requires is for you to cut out two pieces of metal plate to the correct shape and size and fit them in between the the little two bolt flange and the exhaust manifold that it bolts onto. You can also use a piece of tin can, but it will eventually burn through. Due to the cooler -therefore denser - air and fuel charge that now enters the engine your VW PERFORMANCE and your fuel consumption will improve. To put this improvement into context, this VW PERFORMANCE gain equates to approximately two car lengths over the quarter mile! NOT AT ALL BAD FOR A NO COST MODIFICATION! The vw air cooled engine performance is very responsive to simple bolt on modifications that can performed without removing the engine from the car.
DID YOU KNOW THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO RUN YOUR CAR ON WATER? If you dont want to build your own hydrogen generator we will soon be manufacturing them in S.A! FOR MORE INFO Click Here!
The section comprises two simple effective bolt on VW PERFORMANCE modifications. Bolt on a power pulley and a good quality 4 into 1 exhaust system. If you can afford the extra cash for a stainless steel system then buy one. Combined with the inlet manifold block off these low cost VW PERFORMANCE modifications will improve your air cooled VW PERFORMANCE by 12% to 18% over standard. This is VW PERFORMANCE that you can feel! All of these modifications add torque too, so your top gear flexibility is also improved. THE FIRST RULE OF VW PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT,(or any other naturally aspirated petrol engine for that matter) is exhaust, exhaust, exhaust! By reducing back pressure you increase the rate at which burnt gas can leave the engine, which is exactly what a good extractor type of free flow exhaust system accomplishes. In order to achieve more VW PERFORMANCE you must get burnt gas out of the motor as quickly as possible before you can put a fresh fuel /air charge in. So far so good! These easy and fairly inexpensive VW PERFORMANCE modifications can quite easily be done in just a couple of hours, even if you are not much of a mechanic. All you need to do the job are basic hand tools. Now you can enjoy the added power and flexibility that these VW PERFORMANCE modifications will add to your air cooled vw powered vehicle, and of course when you drive modestly you will benefit from the improved fuel consunption.
VW PERFORMANCE is proud to be associated with OPERATION EMPLOY THEM who were NEDBANK local Hero award winners in December 2008.
VW PERFORMANCE is proud to offer you FREE information about the following OPERATION EMPLOY THEM approved and accredited low outlay business opportunities:
OET*1: This amazing business may well be Africa's best kept secret! At a total outlay of just R125 the UIG cash card not only generates an income for its holder, but also provides a whole plethora of benefits that everybody needs. In the opinion of VW PERFORMANCE everybody should own one of these cards - not only for their own benefit - but for the benefit of South Africa's poor people who enjoy various projects emanating from the UIG project.
COMMENT: Everyone you meet will want a UIG cash card.
OET*2: Convert your motor, household or business insurance from a cash consumer to a CASH GENERATOR that can earn you a handy R25,000 or more monthly. For a total set up cost of under R1000, this is a win win business that most people would get involved with, even if its only to get free insurance. The price includes comprehensive presentation materials for marketing it to others. P.S: No skills are required.
COMMENT: What more appropriate business for a VW PERFORMANCE enthusiast? Combine it with OET*1 for a huge business potential. (Life assurance consultants take note, this is your ticket for an extra monthly income from your existing client base!)
OET*3: Make big money on the internet with your own blogging business. Learn the secrets of the big income earners who are enjoying the new internet boom. This business will without any doubt create some millionaires and can be operated from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! You don't need any experience whatsoever to succeed. This opportunity provides two manuals and four comprehensive dvd's that literally instruct every step of the way by written instructions, photo tutorials and videos. The short story is that you will be amazed at how much scope there is to make a lot of money. The BIBLE says that GOD will give HIS People the hidden riches of secret places (Isaiah 45 v 3) This may be one of the methods of achieving this in our modern age!
For a total cost Of only R2500 there is absolutely nothing that can compare with this.
COMMENT: I operate all three of these business types, and they are my sole source of income. The truth of the matter is that until mid 2009 I had NEVER OPERATED A COMPUTER, much less used the internet. I am now 60 years old and just look at what I am achieving! So what is your excuse?(WE CAN SEND THIS BLOGGER INFORMATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, as you can run this from almost anywhere)
FOR FREE INFORMATION on these three opportunities email Please specify which business/s you would like to know about. NOTE: There is no cost, no obligation and no catch, but do exercise good conscience and do not request free information merely for casual perusal.
anunturi online
DO YOU LOVE YOUR VW! We will be releasing a UNIQUE range of VW clothing and accessories in the near future. These items will identify you as a VW LOVER of note. Watch this space for information of the new website - currently under construction. In addition some items will also be available on Bid or Buy.
It's very simple to do and it's absolutely FREE! You can gain 5% more VW PERFORMANCE just by blocking off the inlet manifold heat risers. All this requires is for you to cut out two pieces of metal plate to the correct shape and size and fit them in between the the little two bolt flange and the exhaust manifold that it bolts onto. You can also use a piece of tin can, but it will eventually burn through. Due to the cooler -therefore denser - air and fuel charge that now enters the engine your VW PERFORMANCE and your fuel consumption will improve. To put this improvement into context, this VW PERFORMANCE gain equates to approximately two car lengths over the quarter mile! NOT AT ALL BAD FOR A NO COST MODIFICATION! The vw air cooled engine performance is very responsive to simple bolt on modifications that can performed without removing the engine from the car.
DID YOU KNOW THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO RUN YOUR CAR ON WATER? If you dont want to build your own hydrogen generator we will soon be manufacturing them in S.A! FOR MORE INFO Click Here!
The section comprises two simple effective bolt on VW PERFORMANCE modifications. Bolt on a power pulley and a good quality 4 into 1 exhaust system. If you can afford the extra cash for a stainless steel system then buy one. Combined with the inlet manifold block off these low cost VW PERFORMANCE modifications will improve your air cooled VW PERFORMANCE by 12% to 18% over standard. This is VW PERFORMANCE that you can feel! All of these modifications add torque too, so your top gear flexibility is also improved. THE FIRST RULE OF VW PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT,(or any other naturally aspirated petrol engine for that matter) is exhaust, exhaust, exhaust! By reducing back pressure you increase the rate at which burnt gas can leave the engine, which is exactly what a good extractor type of free flow exhaust system accomplishes. In order to achieve more VW PERFORMANCE you must get burnt gas out of the motor as quickly as possible before you can put a fresh fuel /air charge in. So far so good! These easy and fairly inexpensive VW PERFORMANCE modifications can quite easily be done in just a couple of hours, even if you are not much of a mechanic. All you need to do the job are basic hand tools. Now you can enjoy the added power and flexibility that these VW PERFORMANCE modifications will add to your air cooled vw powered vehicle, and of course when you drive modestly you will benefit from the improved fuel consunption.
VW PERFORMANCE is proud to be associated with OPERATION EMPLOY THEM who were NEDBANK local Hero award winners in December 2008.
VW PERFORMANCE is proud to offer you FREE information about the following OPERATION EMPLOY THEM approved and accredited low outlay business opportunities:
OET*1: This amazing business may well be Africa's best kept secret! At a total outlay of just R125 the UIG cash card not only generates an income for its holder, but also provides a whole plethora of benefits that everybody needs. In the opinion of VW PERFORMANCE everybody should own one of these cards - not only for their own benefit - but for the benefit of South Africa's poor people who enjoy various projects emanating from the UIG project.
COMMENT: Everyone you meet will want a UIG cash card.
OET*2: Convert your motor, household or business insurance from a cash consumer to a CASH GENERATOR that can earn you a handy R25,000 or more monthly. For a total set up cost of under R1000, this is a win win business that most people would get involved with, even if its only to get free insurance. The price includes comprehensive presentation materials for marketing it to others. P.S: No skills are required.
COMMENT: What more appropriate business for a VW PERFORMANCE enthusiast? Combine it with OET*1 for a huge business potential. (Life assurance consultants take note, this is your ticket for an extra monthly income from your existing client base!)
OET*3: Make big money on the internet with your own blogging business. Learn the secrets of the big income earners who are enjoying the new internet boom. This business will without any doubt create some millionaires and can be operated from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! You don't need any experience whatsoever to succeed. This opportunity provides two manuals and four comprehensive dvd's that literally instruct every step of the way by written instructions, photo tutorials and videos. The short story is that you will be amazed at how much scope there is to make a lot of money. The BIBLE says that GOD will give HIS People the hidden riches of secret places (Isaiah 45 v 3) This may be one of the methods of achieving this in our modern age!
For a total cost Of only R2500 there is absolutely nothing that can compare with this.
COMMENT: I operate all three of these business types, and they are my sole source of income. The truth of the matter is that until mid 2009 I had NEVER OPERATED A COMPUTER, much less used the internet. I am now 60 years old and just look at what I am achieving! So what is your excuse?(WE CAN SEND THIS BLOGGER INFORMATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, as you can run this from almost anywhere)
FOR FREE INFORMATION on these three opportunities email Please specify which business/s you would like to know about. NOTE: There is no cost, no obligation and no catch, but do exercise good conscience and do not request free information merely for casual perusal.
anunturi online
DO YOU LOVE YOUR VW! We will be releasing a UNIQUE range of VW clothing and accessories in the near future. These items will identify you as a VW LOVER of note. Watch this space for information of the new website - currently under construction. In addition some items will also be available on Bid or Buy.
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